Facing life's everyday issues isn't always easy. Peace, joy and compassion can be elusive, even in the best of times. The challenge is to stay on the path and in the moment, no matter how difficult life may become. Morningstar and Michael can help by showing you how to uncover the pearl of wisdom that lies buried within each experience. By honoring your true self in this way, a loving space for transformation is created in which quantum jumps can be experienced.

In physics, a quantum jump is a term that describes a sudden, tremendous change. A particle is inside the nucleus one moment, and in the next, it is outside, rapidly circling the nucleus. With Morningstar and Michael, a similar process commonly occurs. For example, a client may arrive in one emotional or physical state ("I wanted to paint and I haven't painted in two years") and leave in another ("I went home and immediately began to paint").

Morningstar and Michael are natural catalysts for making these quantum jumps possible in seemingly impossible situations. According to Morningstar, "We don't perceive ourselves as 'doing' anything. We enter into a partnership with our clients to create the change they desire. We don't know exactly why people get these amazing results, only that they tell us over and over that they do."

For more than 40 years, Morningstar and Michael have used their unique gifts to help light the way for thousands of people. Along with having a master's degree from Stanford University, Morningstar is an internationally known psychic and transpersonal facilitator who balances her visions and inner guidance with numerous healing modalities. Michael, who attended the International School of Massage Therapy, focuses his gentle, nurturing energy to heal body, mind and spirit through massage, energy work, Te Oomai Reia and other techniques.

To schedule a session or for more information, email mornstar@jps.net